• Monday, May 14, 2018

    What is the Best Time to Live Stream your Events?

    Live streaming is known to typically involve focus when planning a live event, designing a unique content, scheduling, and coordinating the complete production. Nevertheless, the time that is critical is when the event goes live after a lot of hard work.

    Live Stream Your Events

    You should not only be prepared for this moment but ensure that you also pick up a time when you can get a high following from the viewers you have targeted. You should have a sound knowledge about the best time to live stream your events.

    Selecting the Time

    Picking up a time to live stream your events requires a lot of work, which starts by understanding the viewers who will be a part of your live streaming. The first and most important thing that you must do is target your viewers so that you can understand when they will be available to watch your videos.

    You should have a clear understanding of the daily regime of your audience, and the locations they are in. Mostly, working professionals who can be your target audience are free during the lunch hours or after 7:30-8pm.

    Therefore, you should try to live stream the events with the help of live broadcasting platforms during this time, as they will be interested in watching the event. It must be interesting, or they will end up watching something else and your entire effort
    can go waste.

    Device for Live Streaming

    Freedocast Pro is one of the popular live streaming applications, which you can use for live streaming events. It allows you to stream your events in a great quality across each part of the world.

    With Freedocast, you can reach the customers through the live irrespective of what time it is. The only thing that must be done is connect the video source to the device and start broadcasting the event to YouTube Live, Twitter, or Facebook Live.

    You can control the broadcast easily with the help of this device with a single start and stop button. Once you understand the time of live streaming your events, the entire process becomes easy and simpler for you.

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